~In Love & Sensual Poetry~
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~Mound Of Venus~
Mound of Venus, thou art so lovely,
Thy beauty deep within, mystified me,
Thy silky petals,
Mesmerized me,
As I slipped down the tunnel,
To adore thee.
Mound of Venus, I longed for thee,
Thy hidden passions,
Captures me,
Thus making a slave out of me,
For thy kingdom,
Throughout eternity.
Unheard whispers and moan,
Excites me,
Hastily releasing the sweetest ecstasy,
To satisfy thee.
Mound of Venus, thou art so lovely,
Spread your wings and fly away,
To heavens portals where my love immortal,
Awaits thee.

~The Flames Of Love~
Desire errupt as the flames of a love burn within me
Your touch excites my heart as candles burn endlessly

As your lover's sweet kiss is taking my mind to flight.
Watching the way you move in the soft glowing light

Longing for your caress as my body shivers in desire
Burning at the thought of you sets my heart on fire.

Release my fears as you make my innocent heart race
Taking my mind and warm body to a mystical place.

For I am not afraid as we are all alone this blissful night
Having you here together with me...just feels so right.


~I Dipped Myself In Your River..So Sweet~
I dipped myself...
In your river...
So sweet,
And feel the love...
Partly hidden...
Down the bottom...
Of your river...
So deep.
I searched for hidden passions...
In the corners...
Of your river...
So neat...
And gently tore down the walls...
Of your fortress...
With grace.I dipped myself...
In your river...
So sweet...
And together...
We swam the length...
Of your river...
Beneath a lake...
Pleasures and pain...
Together we endure...
And promised...
To love each other...
'Till the very end...
And forevermore.
~I Love You~

You're the most precious thing,
God created just for me,
To me, you're everything,
I love you.
No matter what,
No matter how,
It doesn't matter if,
You'd never return,
The same feeling to me,
Though I know you can't be mine,
Still I'll always dream of you
I love you!
I love you!
I love you!
(By Roland)
Powerful are your ways as you lead me across the floor
Finding it hard to breathe as you reach to close the door.
Gently you run your fingers through my long soft hair
Honey falling from my lips as candle scents fill the air.

Caressing my neck with your burning lips it feels so right
Trembling hands gently playing along with the moonlight.
Whispering into my ear words that fill me with such desire
Our hearts are beating so fast as our souls are set on fire.

You lay me down upon the rug and look deep into my eyes
There is such a longing within them a love you can't disguise.
Bodies move together as the candle's light plays upon the wall
Souls reaching together as our innocent hearts begin to fall.

Rushing pulses and streams of melted love flow like wine
Echoes of passion fill the air as love spills within frozen time
Desires inside as you're sharing a part of you with me tonight
Falling asleep wrapped in each other as we kiss goodnight.

Sarete nei miei sogni(Italian)Vous serez dans mes re'ves(French)~You'll be in my dreams~Ciao
~One Love, One Life~
"poem on the way, can't find enough words
on what to say..but feelings will soon explode,
if you may, releasing the love..of our sweetest
ecstasy! (ugh!)
~Hushing Lust~
You disappear, instantly,
Without a trace,
Constantly, hiding your face,
In haze,
Like sunset, you left at dusk,
Wearing, a make-believe mask,
You knew, that I will keep track of your footsteps,
So you covered them, with dust,
But... strong October winds blew the hell out of it,
So fiercely, so harshly,
Exposing your naked body,
For me to see.
A distance from now,
I shall find you,
Once more in flight,
And one moonless night,
When slumber is deep,
You'll find me,
By your side,
When the time comes,
I'll wake you up... so gently,
From your slumber,
Of satin sheets,
And softly kiss,
Your marshmallowy lips,
And lightly caress,
Your smooth, silky skin,
Of sprouting breasts, so mean,
With my hushing lust,
Still, deep within me,
I'll wake you up,
Into the reality...
Of a dream.
"Soar with me, to a heaven,
I know, my wings were meant,
to love, and reach you."
~Awaken, Heart~

Awaken, heart..
And fix the hidden
Part of you..
That was broken,
Restore the love in you,
That was forgotten,
All these and more,
In your gentle care..
To restore.

Awaken, heart..
And feel once more,
The heat of love and passion..
That was lost,
In oblivion,
Restore and stoop,
To strengthen,
The rope,
Of hope.

Awaken, heart..
And pluck those thorns,
That were untimely borne,
Pain and sorrows..
Will be thrown,
In a pit unfathomed,
It will be blown.

Awaken, heart..
Get up, move on, and start,
And try to leave the past
In your gentle care,
The love that was once
Hardly bare,
Will be brought back..
Beyond compare.
(By Roland)
~The Sweetest Dream~
Magical butterflies dance in the sunshine
Music playing so soft and low
Leaving my cares today far behind
As I lay under the summer's glow.

The wind caresses me with such grace
Clouds roll by I imagine what they could be
In my heart I see your sweet face
As a cloud plays charades with me.

Taking my mind to some secret place in time
Leaving me breathless as I feel your kiss
All my emotions seem to unwind
Lost in Heaven captured within bliss.

Fairytale fantasies of your hand in mine
Touching your scent with my tongue
The taste sweet as honey so devine
This passion inside has only just begun.

These desires under the sunkissed sky
Tingle my senses as I feel my body melt
A sensual feeling I can't deny
The warmest sensation I've ever felt.

Fantasizing about you leaves me serene
Lost within your song on a summer's day
The sweetest dream this angel's ever seen
For only you can take my breath away .

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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.
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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.
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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.
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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.
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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.
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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.