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~Oceans Of Dreams~
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This is a fresh new poetry site, full of
magical dreams of fairytale romances and
great poems of a love lost,stolen or insatiable.
This is the site for dreaming, for letting the
imagination fly..

And a gateway to escape oneself to "freedom"..
to"open fields",to long-lost kingdoms where love
remainsa mystery, a fantasy, beyond the realms of

~The following poems are original works of
Cherilyn and Roland. All rights to each and
every poems presented herein are sole copyrights
of the said authors. Through honest and true
effort of personal creativity, this site was made



She has a magical hand of a "fairy".
and her words has a magic spell that
could breathe life to a long-forgotten
knight lost in the mystical world of the
unknowns. Her words couldcast a spell and
freeze time in an empty spacebeyond the
reality of a dream. She is an angelof light
that shines so mystically uncovering dark
shadows of the past & lighten-up the magical
promise of the future. She is invinsible,
but has a heart so compassionate to everyone
that needs her in times of deep sorrow. She is
the most promising virgin to every knights dream..
She is so pure, like a dove that brings lasting mankind~

~About Roland:
This guy is so mysterious that only
Cherilyn has the password to unlock his secret
doors. He is known to be the prince of the night
like a knight in a shining armor that suddenly
appears out of nowhere to protect his princess,
his angel of light, from intruders of a lost
kingdom, of lost space and time..he is also known
to be the defender of light,from dark knights that
wanders the forest of ghostwinds. He's the true
protector of the mysterious "angel of light"...
As he slowly uncovers himself from darkness, a
strange thing happened between him...and his
"angel of light" the poems progressed...~

Listing Site Updates
~This site was created by Cherilyn & Roland.Wanting to share their dreams and fantasies of passion & romance with you~
~Serenity is a poem waiting to be written~


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~Oceans Of Dreams~

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~Oceans Of Dreams~