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~A Nightmare Of Fires~

Far from civilization, with dusty caves
covering the entire denomination, no trees
in sight, no candles to light, just broken
bricks and battered tents, the perfect
place to hide.
Lost civilization, equipped with fanatical
condemnation, false beliefs of severe
humiliation, against the entire western
With no hope to cope, left the land of sand
transmuting a new identity in a foreign land
where people are free and able to understand.
Back in the land of sand, religion is might,
as elders teach their young, how to kill and
fight. With limited brain, that goes down the
drain, memories were left behind, in a land
that seldom understands.
Embracing the western world, that gives freedom
not gold, for what is gold without freedom..
it's just a stone to behold!
But the day has come, fears did become, a
nightmare of fires that killed innocent lives..
Heartbroken, spirit looosen, watching in
disbelief, fellowmen from Afghanistan, caught
in a crossfire, of fanatical lies. Emotionally
bleeding, deep questions arising, felt heavy
thunders of sorrow, for the victims of fire,
that lights up the skies.
When will this end? Sadly asking not to bend,
for any religion as well, sends more people
to hell. I feel sorry for the innocent, and my
heart bleeds with tears falling, wishing all
hatred will end and brothers we'll become,
in a land we call "FREEDOM"..
(Created By Roland)

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